zaterdag 5 juli 2014

July 4th - 5th

                My beloved Sam, 

I can but apologize for the late hour at which I am writing you, I can try to explain the radio silence, but I guess words would be lost on you (I promise that, once I get back, I’ll bring you a treat). But you must understand, I have simply been too busy! The semester is nearing its end and, as they say, the last little lots weigh the heaviest. Besides all kinds of presentations (I held one yesterday on Rancière’s Aisthesis, a truly fascinating read), there’s also the bureaucracy to deal with (believe you me, getting a transcript of records is a special kind of procession to Calvary, with my crucifixion at the end being a real possibility), and by now, I also have a modest set of social responsibilities. I suppose it is rather ironic that, only at the end of my stay here, I have comfortably settled into a specific social context, but it is for the best that I leave soon. Even though some part of me would like to stay on for another semester,[1] the greater part is, by now, yearning for home. And if I distance myself from the matter to reflect on it, being guided by only my ‘cool passions’ as Hume would say, I conclude that it wouldn’t make sense to stay. After all, social isolation was a big reason to come here, the whole enterprise would be rendered rather contradictory if I build up yet another social circle. In any case, for all these reasons, it has proven particularly difficult to find the time and peace of mind I require to write.

Things are winding down, however. There are still a few tasks left to complete, still a few seminars left to participate in, but all in all, the last couple of weeks should be a breeze. The only concrete work (besides of course, reading) left to do is to write an essay of max. 20 pages on Heidegger’s philosophy of art and then I’ll be done. Everything is set for a convenient last stretch to home base. It would be a mistake, however, to think that I am planning to finish my semester without a nice coda!
Remember how I told you, a couple of letters ago, that I might book a modest vacation in the Black Forest? Well I did just that: at the end of this month, I will go on a three-day retreat in Titisee-Neustadt, an occasion I am very much looking forward to. To go on long walks, take a dip into Lake Titi, partake of the local specialties. Because Titisee-Neustadt is quite close to Todtnauberg, there’s even the possibility of walking the so-called Heidegger Rundweg (leading past the famed hut where the man wrote Time and Being). I am very much set on indulging myself in this sort of philosophical tourism (let’s only hope I won’t get lost on a Holzweg! Tee hee). Above all I am planning on thoroughly enjoying three days of solitude, nature and poetry, I have already picked out the book.
Oh God! The existential dread instilled by the mountain scenery! It's too much!

After that, I will be leaving for Breda, where I will be staying with my folks during August. In September I will then be staying with my sister in Zeist, after which I will be able, finally, to see you again in November. I might, however, cheat a bit and come visit you before that time. Living in Frankfurt has been an amazing experience, and not just in the sense that it constitutes an important even in my life. I actually feel intellectually invigorated, like many new and previously unthinkable paths have, in very short time, been offered up to me, the only difficulty now being: choosing the right path. A few days ago, however, I realized that I even kind of missed the way you sit on my lap, mercilessly prying your claws in my legs for support. I could then only conclude one thing: if I even miss the fear of maiming you so willingly instill in me, it truly is time to get packing. So, with mixed feelings of satisfaction, anticipation, homesickness and patience, I remain,
                Yours, passionately (but only coolly so),
                Clint Verdonschot

[1] I heard yesterday that prof. Menke’s colloquium will be taking a philosophical look at the Breaking Bad series next semester. How awesome is that?